Photography is the documentation of life, once that shutter has clicked, the moment has passed and history is made. Some may be familiar with project 365, a simple concept, take a photograph everyday for 365 days. This blog is an extension of the project; the goal is to keep photographing every day, who knows how long? It is an excellent archive to look back on, see how things change. Change can be subtle, such as different coloured flowers being planted each year to a changing landscape with buildings being demolished and new ones built. This blog archives life’s diversity and my encounters.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

2018 Week 16 Photos

2018 Week 16 Photographs
by Corey Lablans Photography
(47th Week, Year 5 – 1785 days – 1 missed) 

2018 04 16 – CREX 1524 makes its way into Ontario from Minnesota at Point Park in Fort Frances, Ontario. This diesel locomotive was part of a line developed to meet the 2005 U.S. EPA’s Tier 2 locomotive emissions standards. 

(Nikon D7000 w 80-400 f4.5-5.6 @185mm f9 1/640th I.S.O. 200) 

2018 04 17 – This was my first attempt at making Naan, along with making a chicken korma from a Superstore package. The Naan was all right, but I think I need better oil. Naan is Persian and means “bread.”  

(Nikon D7000 w Sigma 28 Manual f2.8 @28mm f5.6 1/80th I.S.O. 400 w SB800) 

2018 04 18 – I’m examining four foot stakes to see if they will brake by bending them slightly. These will be spray-painted and then have reflective and flagging tape added for ore grad control.

(Nikon D7000 w Sigma 28 Manual f2.8 @28mm f5.6 1/2500th I.S.O. 200)

2018 04 19 – I’m spray painting four foot stakes with purple spray-paint that will be used for ore grade control. Purple is for medium grade.

(Nikon D7000 w Sigma 28 Manual f2.8 @28mm f8 1/1250th I.S.O. 400)

2018 04 20 – Three drills work on the 310 bench on the northern wall of the pit during this beautiful partially cloudy day.

(Nikon D7000 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f8 1/2000th I.S.O. 200) 

2018 04 21 – I’m adding green flagging tape to four foot stakes that will be used for ore grade control. Green stakes are for low-grade ore. Spray-paint, flagging tape and reflective tape all aid in visibility for the shovel operators.

(Nikon D7000 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f8 1/60th I.S.O. 500) 

2018 04 22 – A shovel works at removing ore in the background while a drill works on blast holes in the foreground.

(Nikon D7000 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f8 1/800th I.S.O. 500) 
Thank You
Corey Lablans

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