Photography is the documentation of life, once that shutter has clicked, the moment has passed and history is made. Some may be familiar with project 365, a simple concept, take a photograph everyday for 365 days. This blog is an extension of the project; the goal is to keep photographing every day, who knows how long? It is an excellent archive to look back on, see how things change. Change can be subtle, such as different coloured flowers being planted each year to a changing landscape with buildings being demolished and new ones built. This blog archives life’s diversity and my encounters.

Friday, June 16, 2017

2017 Week 21 Photos

2017 Week 21 Photographs
By Corey Lablans Photography
(52nd Week, Year 4 – 1456 days – 1 missed) 

2017 05 22 – A kiteboarder glides along the surface of Lake Ontario in front of Breakwater Park in Kingston, Ontario.

(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @150mm f4 1/4000th I.S.O. 400) 

2017 05 23 – A beautiful yellow purple Osteospermum in our front garden, it is a smaller tribe of the sunflower/daisy family. A tribe is a taxonomic rank above genus, but below family.

(Nikon D300 w Sigma 28mm Manual f2.8 @28mm f4 1/640th I.S.O. 400) 

2017 05 24 – Orographic style clouds forms over top of cumulous clouds south of Kingston as a few late afternoon storms develop.

(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @155mm f5 1/2500th I.S.O. 200) 

2017 05 25 – Mind Twist, one of the Masterpiece Series: Amonkhet Invocation cards that I uncovered when opening a booster pack.

(Nikon D7000 w Sigma 28mm f2.8 @28mm f5.6 1/25th I.S.O. 400 w SB800)

2017 05 26 – Water droplets sit on a Pelargonium domesticum or more commonly known as an ‘Elegance Rose Bicolour’ in our front garden. Sometimes referred to as geraniums, they belong to the same family as Geraniums (Geraniaceae) but they do not belong the Geranium genus.

(Nikon D300 w Sigma 28mm f2.8 @28mm f4 1/1250th I.S.O. 400)

2017 05 27– A sign that I made up for the day’s garage sale, posted at Bayridge and Woodbine Drive. It was a beautiful day and the garage sale went very well.

(Nikon D300 w Sigma 28mm f2.8 @28mm f4 1/1000th I.S.O. 400)

2017 05 28 – A dog walks through the water at Confederation Park in downtown Kingston. It is unusual to see the water this high, typically it is 2-4 feet lower and you can sit on these rocks.

(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @28mm f5 1/3200th I.S.O. 400) 
Thank You
Corey Lablans

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