Photography is the documentation of life, once that shutter has clicked, the moment has passed and history is made. Some may be familiar with project 365, a simple concept, take a photograph everyday for 365 days. This blog is an extension of the project; the goal is to keep photographing every day, who knows how long? It is an excellent archive to look back on, see how things change. Change can be subtle, such as different coloured flowers being planted each year to a changing landscape with buildings being demolished and new ones built. This blog archives life’s diversity and my encounters.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

2017 Week 48 Photos

2017 Week 48 Photographs
By Corey Lablans Photography
(27th Week, Year 5 – 1645 days – 1 missed) 

2017 11 27 – A Fuller’s 2013 Vintage Ale is surrounded by various geology items. My brother gave this to me as a Christmas gift a few years back; I was saving it for a special occasion. Cracked it open this evening, as I got offered my first full time career job. 

(Nikon D7000 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/60th I.S.O. 400 w SB800) 

2017 11 28 – This is a 1995 Pepsi trading card series II tin that I picked up from a lady on Kijiji.

(Nikon D7000 w 17-35 f2.8 @35mm f8 1/20th I.S.O. 200 w SB800) 

2017 11 29 – Various graffiti tags colour the side of a building off Cumberland Street near Thunder Bay’s downtown.

(Nikon D7000 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f4 1/2500th I.S.O. 400) 

2017 11 30 – The setting sun sets aglow the landscape of the river crossing Nicholette Road west of Thunder Bay.

(Nikon D7000 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f4.5 1/640th I.S.O. 200)

2017 12 01 – A “Merry Christmas” sign decorates the front yard of a house off Ironwood Avenue. A New York family, with a total of 601,736 lights, holds the world record for most Christmas lights for a residential house.

(Nikon D7000 w 17-35 f2.8 @35mm f2.8 1/2500th I.S.O. 200) 

2017 12 02 – A few lawn angels are silhouetted against the sun shinning through dense fog in Thunder Bay. The origin of silhouette is still somewhat unknown but it is known to have originated from Etienne de Silhouette, a French minister of finance in 1759.

(Nikon D7000 w 80-400 f4.5-5.6 @95mm f8 1/1600th I.S.O. 200) 

2017 12 03 – A white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgianus) enjoys a drink along the side of 106th Street near Island Drive; counted a total of 14 deer while driving on Mission Island.

(Nikon D7000 w 80-400 f4.5-5.6 @280mm f5.3 1/320th I.S.O. 800)
Thank You
Corey Lablans

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