Photography is the documentation of life, once that shutter has clicked, the moment has passed and history is made. Some may be familiar with project 365, a simple concept, take a photograph everyday for 365 days. This blog is an extension of the project; the goal is to keep photographing every day, who knows how long? It is an excellent archive to look back on, see how things change. Change can be subtle, such as different coloured flowers being planted each year to a changing landscape with buildings being demolished and new ones built. This blog archives life’s diversity and my encounters.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2014 Week 43 Photos

2014 Week 43 Photos
By Corey Lablans Photography

(21th week, Year 2 – 511 days)

2014 10 20 – Students walk alongside Stauffer Library on University Avenue on a rainy fall day.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f4 1/250th I.S.O. 400) 

2014 10 21 – A student walks in front of a transport truck parked beside Dunning Auditorium off University Avenue. Meyers Transport is an Ontario trucking company with over 85 years of service.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f3.2 1/500th I.S.O. 800) 

2014 10 22 – A construction workers is seen in one of the empty windows of the new residence being built on Leonard Field. The second of the two new residence buildings is located at the corner of Stewart and Albert Street.
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @200mm f8 1/320th I.S.O. 400) 

2014 10 23 – A silver maple hangs amongst a tree during its final days as winter approaches. This maple sometimes is referred to as a “water maples,” because it can be found along waterways and in wetlands.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f3.5 1/3200th I.S.O. 200) 

2014 10 24 – The stars are seen in the background behind the camping cabins at the Herkimer Diamond KOA Resort. The village of Herkimer is named after Nicholas Herkimer, the son of German settler Johan Jost Herchheimer. They both settled in Kingston, Ontario in 1784 after the American Revolution.
(Nikon D300 w 17-35 f2.8 @22mm f5.6 25sec. I.S.O. 400)

2014 10 25 – A mother looks for Herkimer Diamonds along the dolostone ledge at the KOA Herkimer Diamond Mine, mine #1. They are not real diamonds; they are double terminated quartz crystals that grow in pockets, with a diamond shape.
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @160mm f3.5 1/3200th I.S.O. 400)

2014 10 26 – A member of the Kingston Lapidary and Mineral Club hammers away at the Cambrian dolostone near Middleville, New York hoping to find Herkimer Diamonds.
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @70mm f3.5 1/500th I.S.O. 400)
Corey Lablans

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2014 Week 42 Photos

2014 Week 42 Photos
By Corey Lablans Photography

(20th week, Year 2 – 504 days)

2014 10 13 – Johnathan walks along a small cliff undercut by wave action and the weathering of limestone. Kingston has many excellent places to find Ordovician fossils (488 to 443 million years old).

(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/1600th I.S.O. 400)
2014 10 14 – Professor Narbonne explains the geological sequencing observed at Isle La Motte, Vermont. The main sequencing observed represents a transition from supratidal to intertidal and finally subtidal.

(Nikon D300 w 17-35 f2.8 @17mm f4 1/2500th I.S.O. 320)
2014 10 15 – Queen’s students examine limestone of the Orwell Formation at Crown Point, New York while on a field course. Crown point was a strategic fortification site in the late 1700’s between the British and the French colonists. It also played a major role in the British conquest of Canada.

(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f4 1/1250th I.S.O. 250) 

2014 10 16  - A Queen’s student looks out the bus window as water streams down during an intense rainstorm while on a field course in the Adirondacks. It rained for the majority of the day leaving students damp by the end. 

(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2 1/100th I.S.O. 400) 

2014 10 17 – Queen’s University students and a professor make their way up along the highway at Grand Gorge, New York during the Adirondack’s field course. The upward coarsening and features produced by the Catskill “Delta” during the Devonian period are observed alongside this highway. 

(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f8 1/800th I.S.O. 200)
2014 10 18 – Queen’s students in geological sciences and engineering, as well as biology enjoy lunch near Alexandria Bay, New York on the final day a five day carbonates and paleontology course.

(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f4 1/640th I.S.O. 400)
2014 10 19 – Two ladies examine some mineral specimens at the 45th annual Gemstorm fossil, minerals and jewelry sale at the Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.

(Nikon D7000 w 70-200 f2.8 @105mm f3.2 1/800th I.S.O. 4000) 
Corey Lablans

Monday, October 13, 2014

2014 Week 41 Photos

2014 Week 41 Photos
By Corey Lablans 

(19th week, Year 2 – 497 days)

2014 10 06 – A student puts the final touches on her Geology 321 lab, which focused on Mohr Circles and structural failure envelops. Mohr circles are a helpful graphical way at determining the stability of geological material.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.5 1/80th I.S.O. 1000) 

2014 10 07 – Two students head into Mackintosh-Corry Hall (Mac-Corry), a building at Queen’s housing a wide variety of faculties. It was the original site of the George Richardson Memorial Stadium.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f8 1/800 I.S.O. 200)

2014 10 08 – A person stands at one of headlands at Break Water Park along Lake Ontario while heavy winds make the water choppy. Gust reached 90 km/h with an average wind speed of 50 Southwest. 
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f8 1/1600 I.S.O. 200)

2014 10 09 – A student works away on a laptop while another student talks to a friend while at the Bioscience Complex on the east side of Queen’s campus between Arch Street and Barrie Street.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/100 I.S.O. 640)

2014 10 10 – Several students walk along a wooden walkway through a marsh while touring the Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS) 40 minutes north of Kingston. Queen’s started off with 34 hectares of land in 1944, now QUBS has more then 2000 hectares for students to conduct research on.  
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @135mm f4.5 1/1000 I.S.O. 800)

2014 10 11 – Two cross-country runners from Queen’s University chat after competing in the Queen’s Invitational at Fort Henry Hill. Queen’s woman’s finished in third while the men’s placed fourth.
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @175mm f4 1/1250 I.S.O. 200)

2014 10 12 – A beautiful grey squirrel eats from a Tim Hortons muffin wrapper while outside the Memorial Centre in Kingston, Ontario.
(Nikon D7000 w 70-200 f2.8 @155mm f4 1/500th I.S.O. 200) 
Corey Lablans

Monday, October 6, 2014

2014 Week 40 Photos

2014 Week 40 Photos
By Corey Lablans Photography

(18th week, Year 2 – 490 days)

2014 09 29 – A raggedy looking fox sits on the front porch of a house off Union Street. Behind the light sensitive cells of a fox’s eye is a layer called the tapetum lucidum (bright tapestry), which reflects light back through the eye. This layer is what causes their eyes to glow when light shines on them at night.
(Nikon D7000 w 28 manual f2.8 @28mm f4 1/1250 I.S.O. 200)  

2014 09 30 – A mold at the Miller Museum of Geology at Queen’s University displays the ecology of the Ediacaran biota, roughly 542 million years ago. This mold comes from Mistaken Pint, Newfoundland, in this particular photograph it shows Fractofusus, the most common of the fossils.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2 1/80th I.S.O. 800) 

2014 10 01 – Flint corn decorates the vegetable coolers at Leondar Cafeteria, along with various gourds creating a nice fall feel. Flint corn is also referred to as Indian corn.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/50th I.S.O. 800) 

2014 10 02 – Students work on their laptops while sitting in the Bioscience Complex at Queen’s University.
(NikonD300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/100 I.S.O. 800)

2014 10 03 – Shane gets some height after launching from a wave while Kiteboarding off Break Water Park in Kingston, Ontario.
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @135mm f3.2 1/2500 I.S.O. 400)

2014 10 04 – Several paleontology and carbonate sedimentology students observe as Professor Narbonne describes how to read the paleoecology based on fossil types and arrangement.  
(Nikon D7000 w 28 manual f2.8 @28mm f4 1/640th I.S.O. 400) 

2014 10 05 – The agenda that I use to try and keep life organized. It was 11:40 p.m., I was brushing my teeth and said, “Oh, I need a photos!” and this was taken.
(Nikon D300 w 17-35 f2.8 @35mm f2.8 1/6th I.S.O. 160 tripod) 
Corey Lablans

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2014 Week 39 Photos

2014 Week 39 Photos

By Corey Lablans Photography

(17th week, Year 2 – 483 days)

2014 09 22 – Two students sit and chat outside the Print & Copy Centre in the John Deutsch University Centre Monday morning. The current building was built in 1947 after a fire destroyed the original. 
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/40th I.S.O. 800) 

2014 09 23 – A student updates the bulletin board inside Stauffer Library. In 1997 it was awarded the Governor General’s Award for architecture. 
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2.8 1/80th I.S.O. 500) 

2014 09 24 – Various students from lower Roy Miller House at Jean Royce Hall, Phase 2 get their photo taken during the annual High Table dinner. Every High Table dinner has a key speaker; ours was Colin McAuslan, Queen’s new head strength and conditioning coach, on the right.
 (Nikon D300 w 17-35 f2.8 @17mm f4 1/50th I.S.O. 400) 

2014 09 25 – Two students enjoy the beautiful weather while sitting outside of Leonard Cafeteria, which can seat over 650 students.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f2 1/6400th I.S.O. 200) 

2014 09 26 – The evening sun lights up a tree outside of Jean Royce Hall, Phase 2. Jean Royce Hall consists of two phases, the second holding just fewer than 300 students.
(Nikon D300 w 50 f1.8 @50mm f5 1/500th I.S.O. 200) 

2014 09 27 – A student examines the cliff face at Kingston Mills before climbing during one of two Introduction to Outdoor Climbing sessions run by the Queen’s Climbing Club. It is a great place to introduce climbing with easy access to set up top ropes. 
(Nikon D300 w 70-200 f2.8 @175mm f4 1/500th I.S.O. 400) 

2014 09 28 – Yong Shin, the don for upper Miller Roy enjoys making a s’more while at the Wolfe Island Corn Maze. The s’more is a contraction of “some more,” with the first recorded use of the word in 1927 in “Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.”
(Nikon D300 w 17-35 f2.8 @35mm f2.8 1/50th I.S.O. 1600)

Corey Lablans

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