Photography is the documentation of life, once that shutter has clicked, the moment has passed and history is made. Some may be familiar with project 365, a simple concept, take a photograph everyday for 365 days. This blog is an extension of the project; the goal is to keep photographing every day, who knows how long? It is an excellent archive to look back on, see how things change. Change can be subtle, such as different coloured flowers being planted each year to a changing landscape with buildings being demolished and new ones built. This blog archives life’s diversity and my encounters.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Turtle on Road

Turtles on Roads, Watch Out
By Corey Lablans

As the weather is getting warmer outside these days, so is the water in ponds. Turtles are out basking in the sun absorbing but when they decide to get adventurous they wonder may decide to across the road. Keep your eyes open when you are driving in areas where water is close by. If you can't stop, then weave around them, they don't move quickly. THANK YOU

Wildlife North of Sydenham
By Corey Lablans

This evening I decided to go for an adventure. Taking Sydenham Road north I ended up driving  alongside Frontenac Provincial Park, then making my way towards Westport. The photos below are some of the wildlife and domestic life that I came across while touring around.

White flower: Bloodroot (North of Sydenham)
Yellow flower: Great Merrybells (North of Sydenham)
Cow and horse just south of Sydenham
Spider: Northern Wolf Spider
Deer: White Tailed Deer

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Wildlife

pring Wildlife at Collins Bay
By Corey Lablans

Spring is always a fun time to explore the forest. The snow has vanished, new life is slowly painting the forest floor green, bugs are flying and the animals are awakening. Here are a few photos from yesterday's exploration of the Collins Bay forest.

Top image: Red Backed Salamander
(Side by side Right: Sharp-lobed Hepatica) (Side by side Left: Trillim)
(Three left: ?) (Three centre: ?)(Three right: Dog Tooth Violet or Trout Lilly)
(Bottom: Bee Fly)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

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