Writing and photographing for the newspaper is a fun experience, as one actively experiences everything that is going on in a community. Although as a relatively new photojournalist I am still learning. Today was no exception and a perfect example of how much I still have to learn.
Around noon, I was assigned to attend a barbeque that the students of LCVI were holding for students of First Avenue Public School. The barbeque was for a
conjoint effort between the schools, with the elementary school growing vegetables and the LCVI students enrolled in the Cook’s Internship program.
Heading to the barbeque I was assigned to cover the release of a new cookbook the students of the Cook’s Internship created. As a person, interested in many things and very passionate I was side tracked by everyone’s comments on how both programs built a sense of community.
Well back in the office later that day, I told my editor what I observed and what I thought was fascinating, turns out I side tracked away from the key element of working for a paper. WHAT IS NEW!!!!
Working for a newspaper, it is always paramount to angle the story to a news worthy topic. Just because you’re focusing on a new topic doesn’t mean that you can’t bring in the social issue that seemed fascinating. After getting on the phone talking to my sources once again, I found out more information. Thankfully as an intern student my editor is flexible and was able to move the story till tomorrow.
Hopefully I shall learn from this experience!!!!!!